My beloved, this life is not a test, not a step on the way,
not a rehearsal, nor a prelude to paradise.
This life is the only thing here and now and it is all you need.
(Baruch de Spinoza)
The knowledge of the mind should be connected
with the knowledge of the heart.
Only then will it be wisdom.
(Michel Odent)
"The hearts of babies,
which are held close to the heart
of their parents
beat in sync with the hearts of them."
(Terry Levy und Michael Orlans)
"Touch is the root.
And that is how we should deal with it."
(Frédérik Leboyer)
Yoga pre- and postnatal classes with Lara Gomez
Lara also works as a Doula
Cursos pre- y postnatales en espanol y inglés con Susanna Cervia
Cursos pre- y postnatales en inglés con Sophie Day
Pre- and postnatal classes in english at the Universitätsspital Basel, Barbara Käser Schmid
Tel. +41 61 328 79 93 Tuesdays and Fridays 9:00 – 11:00
Pre- and postnatal classes with Susie Atkinson (BCT)
Breastfeeding videos in different languages
List of lactation consultants
Erste Emotionale Hilfe
Organization for english-speaking families in Basel
Offer postnatal care: (covered by health insurance)
Assistance to newly born families and the following possible topics:
Interaction between the parents and the newborn, establishing relationships, getting to know and understand each other
Newborn behaviour and needs, his sleep, his signs, his physical, neurological and social development, body care/bath, relaxation possibilities and first love story
Physiological adjustments of the mother in the first 6 weeks postnatal, early exercises to protect and build up the pelvic floor, massage, check of rectus diastasis
Evidence-based information and guidance on breastfeeding and feeding the Baby
To-do checklist first weeks after birth
Advice on carriers/slings
Networking to other professional experts
The health insurance pay for three breastfeeding consultations with a certified lactation consultant throughout the breastfeeding period.
I will be happy to advise you when you
- start breastfeeding
- have questions about positions and latching on
- want to know more about milk production
- want to avoid problems such as milk engorgement
- have pain when breastfeeding
- want to use a breast pump
- go back to work
- do not want to, cannot or are not allowed to breastfeed
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